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Zeige Seiten 81 - 90 von 235 Ergebnisse (0.01 Sekunden)
. Book Review: Ray Cokes - My Most Wanted Life (Autobiography)
And: he met them ALL, all who were big in the music business (and some of them still are) - but more "name-dropping" later...   Younger U2 fans most likely got to know of and love Most Wanted and Ray Cokes with the 2011 release of the deluxe version of Achtung Baby - included on one of the bonus DVDs is the legendary 1992 Most Wanted Show on the occasion of a broadcast of a U2 concert in Sweden to a single lucky competition winner (still a dream for every U2 fan!). By the way, since... [8.48% - 18.1kb]

. U2 Talk&Unplugged - eine Nachlese und der gesamte Talk exklusiv
to you, to our audience, who has given us so much, to go and not to hold back. It’s strange but some songs are hard to escape once you get in them. They really are. There are a couple of these on this album they are still singing me two hours later and, well, this is a bit mad. It's our job. Question: [Audience member]: Hi guys: I am not so sure whether I love more your beautiful music or your beautiful country. I was in Dingle this year, my favourite part of Ireland. And I’d like to... [8.48% - 37.8kb]

. Frischer Wind bei U2: wie Manager Guy Oseary die Band verändert
working with people who want to change the world." Zieht man diese Informationen in Betracht, so ist der frische Wind, der derzeit im Hause U2 weht, eindeutig die Handschrift von Oseary.  Nicht nur gelang es ihm den Überraschungsdeal mit  Apple  zur Präsentation des neuen Albums " Songs of Innocence " einzufädeln, vielmehr schaffte er es dies auch absolut geheim zu halten. Nichts dran vorab nach aussen - eine Tatsache, die es seit Jahren nicht mehr bei U2 gegeben hatte.... [8.48% - 24.3kb]

. Next Stop California: U2 spielen zwei Shows in San Jose
wohlfühlen, ist doch das Who Is Who der Hightech Branche im Silicon Valley vertreten. In dessen "Schlafzimmer" San Jose spielen U2 heute und morgen zwei Konzerte. sAN JOSE Seit 1950 hat sich die Einwohnerzahl von San Jose etwa verzehnfacht und mit gut 1 Million Einwohnern ist es nun die zehntgrößte Stadt der USA. Ein Umstand, der sicherlich mit der Lage zusammenhängt: San Jose liegt am Südende der San Francisco Bay innerhalb der informellen Grenzen des Silicon Valley und ist... [8.48% - 23.2kb]

. Offiziell: Neues Album erst 2009
rhythms and a guitar player who is not ready to re-enter earth's atmosphere until he's taken a slice of the moon!'It's been fun, it's been maddening... there have been injuries and recoveries, no babies born that I know of, but this one is nearly ready for the new year of 2009.' The band have been writing and recording the follow-up to ‘How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb’ since last year, and the feeling is that they’ve hit a creative groove so there are no plans to stop. Everyone, he says, is... [8.48% - 25.4kb]

. Stellungnahme zum Cover von No Line On The Horizon auf u2.com
Hiroshi Sugimoto, who has known Bono for several years. (One of his works hangs in the band's management offices.) One of a few contemporary photographers who continue to work with traditional photographic techniques such as the silver gelatine process and the use of long exposures, the horizon is a central motif in Sugimoto’s 'Seascapes' collection. He's travelled the world to stand on remote cliffs overlooking oceans, capturing the light and atmosphere and the way these effects... [8.48% - 27.5kb]

. Ein offener Brief von Bono und Mitch McConnell
Suu Kyi, the Nobel laureate who maintains a heroic and tenacious fight for freedom and democracy, is a modern icon of moral courage. Yet for all the respect and accolades, she remains, in effect, a prisoner in the country where she has spent her whole adult life fighting for democracy. The blatant abuse of human rights orchestrated by the misnamed State Peace and Development Council, or SPDC, the junta that controls Burma and has even changed its name, calling it Myanmar, is perpetuated by... [8.48% - 25.2kb]

. Bono und The Edge bei Tribute-Show
sich: Paul McCartney, The Who, Bon Jovi, Bono and Edge of U2, David Bowie, Elton John, Destiny's Child, Janet Jackson (remote from Pittsburgh), Backstreet Boys, Mick Jagger, John Mellencamp, Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, James Taylor, Melissa Etheridge, Macy Gray, Marc Anthony, Five For Fighting, Goo Goo Dolls, India.Arie, Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Chris Rock, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Spade, Julia Stiles, Jimmy Fallon, Meg Ryan, Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, Michael J.... [8.48% - 21.3kb]

. The Edge-Interview mit Mojo Magazine online
I think. It was Ben Curtis who turned me onto them. He’s one of the Curtis Brothers from Secret Machine – he’s got a new band now called School Of Seven Bells , who are pretty interesting. So how much work is left to do? Way too much, as usual, but we will get there. We’re not f**king around this time. This is personal! Interview by: Danny Eccleston Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen... [8.48% - 37.8kb]

. 'Full Metal Jacket' auf dem neuen Album?
end of this year. The band, who are currently working on the project in Ireland, say the follow up to 2000's 'All That You Can't Leave Behind' will be more raw and guitar-driven than its predecessor. "It's a very visceral album," says frontman Bono. "The songs are very direct. They're big songs, big melodies and really, some full-on guitar playing by a very frustrated man. He told the New York Times: "[The Edge] is so gifted. If this is a great record, and I really think it will be, it will... [8.48% - 22.9kb]

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